Power Rules in Poker: Beginner Tips

Playing poker is a good opportunity to spend a fun time. As well as with the benefit of. After all, this game will make you think of your actions, calculate in advance, sometimes resort to tricks. As well as hope for luck. But first you should read the main rules of playing poker.

What is poker?

Poker is one of the gambling games. The history of poker has more than 500 years, and the game itself originated in Italy, Spain, France and Germany. However, it was very different from the modern poker. Although the main principle of the game was preserved – to collect the best combination of cards than the opponent by winning the bank. Also an important element of the game were and remain auction.

There are about a hundred varieties of poker today, among which "Texas Holdem" (Texas Hold’em), "Omaha" (Omaha), "Dro-poker" (Draw Poker), "Herd copper" (Stud). The most common of these is "Texas Holdem".

What cards are using?

As for the card log, most often used for 52 cards (four masks from two to ace). Although can play and logs in 32, 36 or 54 cards.

The format of playing in poker

Playing in poker usually in cardromes (CardRoom), on the Internet (online poker) or at home. In the first case, these are clubs where poker players gather and play. For game online use poterrums (Pokerroom). You can also play poker at home with friends.

In poterrums all the game takes place on the site with other players online. Each poker player has his own account that he can go from any computer or mobile phone. The advantage of such a game format is that a poker player can choose a table with a level of ponds on his own, play in his spare time in a convenient place.

Regarding cardromes, their participants are important for physical presence, when there is an opportunity to play against the opponent, to resort to bluff or other professional tricks. This is exactly what you can do at home in a circle of friends.

The goal of playing in the poison

There are two main goals in the poker. The first is to play a combination when handling and winning it. The game consists of several such distributions (as long as opponents have money in a jar or a desire to play) a friend – global – it is to beat rivals at the table, knocking them out one by one while distributing. And therefore – to collect the maximum bank.

What are poison rates and bidding?

Every player starts a game with his stack – This is the total number of chips that the player has at the current moment of the game. It is the player’s chips from his own stack who use the player for ponds – Bet.

There is in the king four stages of trading during which players are betting. They are called Preflop, Flop, Thorn and Riveer. During the trading the player can take the bid (call, call), raise the rate (Raise, Rise) or reset the cards (Fold, fold). The player who dropped the cards leave the draw.

There is still Check (Check). During the check, the player has the right to stay in the game (not to drop the cards) without raising the bet if no one made a rise before that. However, this is possible only during flop, Torne or River. If the player made a check, the next after him can do it too. Until one of the following players make a rise. Then others will have either to take the bet or dump cards. Including those who made a check at the beginning.

After each bidding stage, when all players made the same bid (or dropped cards), another card opens. And the bidding begins again. So up to the fourth round. After him comes Shovdown (Showdown) in which players left with cards open them. It is then that the winner is determined – a player with the best combination of cards. Or player who stayed alone while trading (other players dropped cards).

Upon completion of offline tournaments, players can get out of the game at any time before the next surrender, taking off the available bankroll (Bankrol, this is the amount on the player’s account he uses to play poker). In poker tournaments, the game continues to determine the winner at the table.

Players in poker

In poker play from 2 to 10 people. In the first case it will be the game alone. Up to ten players at one table usually gather during tournaments. Each of the players takes a place at a table that can not be changed during the game. And only then does the game begin.

Who is the dealer?

A dealer is an important participant in the game in poker. It is he who hands cards and two players on his left hand are put from him Small and Big Blind (Small Blind and Big Blind). It is denoted by a separate chip "Baton" (Button). Thus the dealer can both participate in the distribution and skip it. At the end of the dealer’s distribution becomes the next player clockwise.

In the online core, the role of dealer is played by a computer, and only the chips of small and large blind are crossed.

What starts playing with Texas Holdem’s example

When all players sat down at a table, a dealer is determined. Left from him two next players make their mandatory rates – small and big blinds.

What do you need mandatory rates and blinds (Small Blind and Big Blind)

In order to make poker more active for players, use Ante – When all participants make a minor contribution to the bank, or Blinda is a mandatory rate before handing out. This is done to stimulate players to play the money set as well as form an initial bank. IS Small Blind (Small Blind) and Big Blind (Big Blind). They both on the left hand from the dealer.

Conditionally, a small blind when distributing is $ 1, a large blind – 2 dollars. Therefore, the following players who want to take part in the distribution should put the minimum rate – the same 2 dollars. A small blind player should compare previous rates (if not raised – add only $ 1). With the next hand -out small and large blinds go to the following players clockwise. And a player with a small blind become a dealer.

How is the Play in Poker

After players take their seat at the play table, dealer and blind are determined. They put appropriate chips in front of them.

All players start playing with their stack. This is the amount they will play with. If it is poker in a circle of friends then it is usually the same in all (by agreement). In an online co-core it is determined by predetermined restrictions.

Even before players make bids (except for small and large blinds), DIler hand over cards – two every player. These cards do not show rivals and are called "Pockets", Or "Hands". Sam is a prefab. Only when cards are handed out, players make their bid – respond to a big blline, raise your bet or dump cards.

Once the trade is over, three more cards are laid on the table. They are open. With these cards on the table and "Pockets" cards player can form a combination (about what are the combinations in the poker – below).

Then begins The second round of trading is flop (FLOP). Its begins a player who was with a small blind. In doing so, he can both make a rise or fold, and just make a check. This is an option in which he stays in the game without raising the bet. The following players can also make a check. However, if at least one of the players put the bet (Raise), the other in turn will have either to answer it (make a call), or drop the maps.

When the bidding is over, the fourth card is laid on the table and begins TURN (TURN) is the third round of trading. Players evaluate their chances of gathering combinations and bets similar to the previous trading round. It is worth noting that at this time the player has six cards (two – on his hands, four on the table), but Combinations can be a maximum of five cards. Although the combination can consist of two, three or four cards.

The last round of trading is called River (River). Before that teaches the last card.

Shoudown (Showdown) – Final Phase of Any Poker distribution when players left in the game open their cards and determined the winner. Wins the player who will make the best combination. If you could not find stronger (players have made the same combinations), then they share a bank that is on the table.

What are the combinations in the poison

The combination is the basis of poker basics. This is a set of five cards that every player collects in every hand in order to win.

Consider the combinations from the strongest to the weakest:

Royal-Flesh (Royal Flush): When the player manages to collect from "10" to "Ace" one suit.

Street Flash (Straight-Flush): When it is possible to collect five cards in a row of one suit.

Kare (four of a kind): four cards of one value (eg four kings).

Ful-house (Full House): three cards of one value and two other cards of one value. For example, 2-2-2 and 7-7.

Flash (Flush): five cards of one suit but not in order. For example, 2-5-6-9-d tambour.

Street (Straight): Cards of different masters in order of their importance. For example, 2-3-4-5-6.

Three or set (Three of a kind): Three cards of one value. For example, 7-7-7.

Two pairs (Two Pairs): Two cards of one value and two other cards of one value. For example, 3-3 and 10-10.

Couple (One Pair): Two cards of one value. For example, 4-4.

Senior map or kicker (High Card) is the biggest map (this is when no one was able to collect a combination at the table, and then the player who has the highest card in his hands wins) wins).

If the players fall the same in importance of the combination, wins the one in which the older card. For example, a pair of triples is older than a couple of twos.

Types of limit ponds

Three types of rates are used in poker. This is warned in advance. It "without limit", "Pot-Smith" or with "fixed limit".

"Without limit" Allows players to make bids and raises of any size within their stack (the total number of chips that the player has at the current moment of the game).

"Pot-Smith" Allows players to make bids and raises of any size within the current overall bank at the moment of the game.

"Fixed limit" Is a rate of the pond limit that allows players to make bid and fixed size rails. The size of a fixed rate for each trading round is determined in advance.

In a fixed limit to tournaments are allowed to make one rate and three rails. There are no restrictions on the number of rails in the Pot-Smith and unlimited tournaments.

Game time (in tournament king and cache to games)

The time that a player can spend on poker can be different. However, so that some players do not tighten the game (especially when there are many opponents at the table), tournament organizers often set a time restriction. During the first action it can be 120-240 seconds. Each subsequent action is twice less time. If the player during this time does not make the course, his cards will automatically go to the pass.

As for the total duration of the game, then during the tournaments – to determining the winner at the table. In cache to player can leave the game before cards handout. So in this case he himself forms how much time he is willing to spend on the game.

The main rules of playing poker: Top for beginners

The main task in king is to collect the best combination of cards than an opponent and win a bank.

Each of the players gets two cards on their hands. The rest are open on the table. The combination is formed with five cards.

Players are betting in turn. They can either take the previous rate or increase it. Or reset the cards by dropping out of this hand.

Every player can play as long as he has chips in a stack. However he can get out of the game at any time, but by the time he was handed over cards.

Short poker dictionary

Bank (Pot) – Chips set by players during the trading, their bet. This is what the fight in the distribution is.

Bankrol (Bankrol) – The existing sum of chips in a player in poker. It can be both entered in the game and won during the distribution.

Baton (Button) – Dealer’s position

BET (Bet) – the first rate in the Trade Round.

Blind (Blind) – players who make mandatory rates. There is a small Blind (Small Blind) and Big Blind (Big Blind).

Board or table (Bord) – Five open cards on the table. It is with them that players can form combinations.

Vabank or Ol-in (All-in) is a situation when a player puts all available in his chips.

Big Belind (Big Blind) is a required bet. She puts right after a little blind before the player gets cards in his arms.

Kare – a combination when a player collects four cards of one rank such as four kings.

Count (Call) is the situation during the trading when the player takes the previous rate, equalizing it.

Small Blind (Small Blind) – smaller of two required rates. Small Belnd usually makes half of the Great Blind.

Couple -Combination in king when the player manages to collect two cards of the same rank, such as 9-9.

Preflop (Preflop) – First of all the trading circle after handing out "Pocket cards" and to the opening of the flop.

Rise (Raise) is the situation during the trading when the player raises the bid.

Set (SET) – a combination of three maps of one rank, two of which "Pockets". Eg player has two "Eight" on the hands, and on the table lies 2-5-8-d.

Senior map (High Card) is a poker situation when none of the players have any combined combinations. Then the victory gets to the one who has an older card in your arms. This card is also called kicker.

Street (Straight)-a combination of five consecutive cards such as 5-6-7-8-9.

Street Flash (Straight-Flush)-a combination of five subsequent cards of one suit.

Thorn (TURN) is the third round of trading when the fourth card is taught on the table.

Flash (Flush)-a combination of five cards of the same suit, such as 2-3-7-10-k tambouse.

Flash Royal, Royal-Flesh (Royal Flush)-a combination of five highest consecutive cards of one suit, such as 10-B-D-T-T. The strongest poker combination.

Flop (FLOP) is the second round of trading when the first three cards are laid on the table.

Fold, pass (FOLD) – Situation when the player drops cards in the pass and leaves the distribution.

Ful-house (Full House) is a combination that consists of a set and a couple.

Check (Check) – a situation where a player no one in front of a player raised the bet so he can too "miss the course", Left in the game.

Shoudan (Showdown) is the last phase of the game when players open their cards to determine the winner of the distribution.

What do you need to play poker: a short version

To play poker should study the basic concepts of play. Among them are combinations (you can use tips above), rates of rates and bidding, know the basic concepts.

If you decide to play with your friends, then you will need a deck of cards and chips that will be betting. But the rules of the game and combinations must also be remembered.